Rich Media Formats

Choose Rich Media to catch consumer's attention and improve engagement with your advertising campaign. Underline premium image of your brand using innovative non-standard format and enjoy high CTR rate. Our professionals can create a beautiful design of the ad for you.

rich media
Rich Media

Profit Button / 3D Cube

Using this format is optimal for increasing traffic to your website.

Times to develop : 2 working days

mockup sport brief news website
profit button
mockup sport brief news website
profit button
mockup sport brief news website
profit button
Other Rich Media Formats


Our team is always ready to advise which rich media format works better for your product.

mockup sport brief news website
lead generation banner
Lead Generation Banner

After clicking on image the lead form with the input fields appears.


mockup sport brief news website
animated banner
Spin Banner

User can spin the ring


mockup sport brief news website
interscroller banner
Mobile Interscroller

Full-screen banner, located on the article page.


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